What will happen after?

Bernard Benson Sarfo
3 min readNov 5, 2020

Every tree that is planted bears fruit. So, is the every deed proceeding? Everyone is going to receive his or her reward through the performance revealed. We have rewards with the Master which is equal to the deeds.

What are you going to receive when the Master comes? It is not all when you die, but there is a judgment. Everyone is going to receive his or her price when turns to him or her according to the work done.

Whatever you do, you will be harvested. Great men are not always wise, nor do the aged always understand justice. Do not consider yourself as the mighty, yet be humble and know the time.

But there is a spirit in a man, and the breath of the Almighty that gives him understanding. Whatever the case, everyone is going to face the fruit of his or her deeds. Someone will say or ask, if you die, is it all? Or is there anything again after death?

What do I mean about this content? What will happen after? The Bible has made it clear that there is a judgment after death. If there is judgment, then there will be resurrection. This death that we see is a first death, and also it is a sleep. The time is coming when everyone will be rise from the death.

Those who believe God and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior will be resurrected when He comes in the second time. Those who did not accept Him would be dead with those who are already dead for thousand years.

When the thousand years are over, Christ will come on this earth again with the saints who had life at His second return with the Holy City (The New Jerusalem) to this earth. Those who did not receive their share at His second return will have their reward after the thousand years.

Here, the fire will come down from Heaven and then consume them. This will be the reward of those who did not have chance to enter Heaven within the second coming of Christ. Here, Christ will pay the wicked according to their deeds by fire and brimstone.

There is a reward for every deeds or work. So, this life is not all, yet there will be reward. What have you considered? Do you respect? What are your deeds? The world will receive it due by it deeds. Do not deceive yourself and never make yourself light whiles you are dark. Do not pretend to be good, whiles you know it is not so. Stop pretending and then do things right and according.

We all have case with the Master. If you look around what do you see? What is going on? What are you doing? What is your share? How do you do your things? This is not all, yet there will be a reward for each deed.

Many people think that there would be no judgment after this life. Others also think that this life is all, there is nothing again. Do not joke of this life and never waste your time on things that are not necessary.

You need to consider yourself well and then do things right. This life is not all, yet there is another thing after this. Do not be wise at your own estimation to destroy yourself. But consider the outcome and then behave well.

This life is not all, yet there is judgment which nothing can be compared. My dear, we have case with the Master, so know how to behave and then do things according to the requirements. There is judgment and reward after this life.



Bernard Benson Sarfo

Bernard Benson Sarfo is an acquainted architectural designer and a motivational speaker. He is a gifted teacher who continues to motivate and encourage many. Hi